Thursday 31 December 2009


To everyone reading this, I wish you a WONDERFUL 2010! - einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr! - Bonne Année! - Buon Anno! - s novim godom (drat - doesn't support Cyrillic, sorry Russians!). I'm certainly looking forward to seeing what happens - this last year has been so full of change and opportunities. I've enjoyed writing about some of them, and it's worth it to know that once in a while I can provide useful information, oddball photos or an inadvertent laugh to someone!

Oh yes, erm, this photo? Well, that's what happens when you give your five-year-old god-daughter face paints for Christmas (rather than the latest outburst of Regietheater madness, which you would be forgiven for assuming). It took quite a while of various sensitive bits of skin being pulled this way and that, and because there was no mirror in the vicinity I had to ask what exactly was taking so much concentration. Answer? "This is the way butterflies looked in the old days." So there you have the explanation! May it send you into the New Year with as big a smile as it gave me!


  1. I love a woman who's brave enough to show her face on the Internet covered in paint!

    BTW, make that scrapbook for your goddaughter. Wouldn't you kill to have a bookful of memories that was made by your godmother years ago about her opera singing escapades?

  2. Здравствулте!. Как вы, сестра?
